The International Prayer Network

URGENT: Pray for the Lord to halt the spread of CoronaVirus!
Please also join us in praying for these requests from our friends     Scroll down to view more ↓

THURSDAY, Jul 25, 2024 10:27pm
From: B - Fl
Prayer Request: Prayer for absolute safety and divine protection for John Be and Carole as they travel. Than you God. And so it is Amen.

THURSDAY, Jul 25, 2024 06:56am
From: Jennifer - USA
Prayer Request: Please pray that God will remove M. W. From the toxic relationship that he is in. Thank you.

TUESDAY, Jul 23, 2024 10:17pm
From: Mc - JB
Prayer Request: R has been begrudging me for an incident that happened in the past. Pray for forgivenesshealing and reconciliation. Amen.

TUESDAY, Jul 23, 2024 01:55pm
From: Caroline - AZ
Prayer Request: PLease pray that my application will be approved soon at these apartments for my daughter and I. Surround us with your angels Amen.

TUESDAY, Jul 23, 2024 11:19am
From: wally - Lake Orion
Prayer Request: Linda is losing her balance has pain in her back and is under spiritual attack. Please pray for her healing. She is to leave to minister to widows in Moldova on Aug 2. Thank you.

FRIDAY, Jul 19, 2024 04:57pm
From: Rob - New Jersey
Prayer Request: Jonathan needs major prayer. He has stage 4 cancer of the kidney. It is spreading. Plus he does not know the Lord. He is my brother.

TUESDAY, Jul 16, 2024 09:30am
From: Penny - Maryland
Prayer Request: Son inlaw has stage 4 colon cancer. It has spread to his liver lungs brain he is only 43yrs old. Chemo and radiation are not working. In need of a miracle. Trusting in the Lord. His name is Scott.

SATURDAY, Jul 13, 2024 03:17pm
From: robert - Denver
Prayer Request: My friend K. A. In Amarillo Texas has injured his lower spine and is unable to work. I ask for prayer for expediant healing so he can return to work. He has a wife and 4 small kids. Thank you in Jesus name.

WEDNESDAY, Jul 10, 2024 08:11pm
From: Jennifer - USA
Prayer Request: Please pray that God will remove M. W. From the toxic relationship that he is in. Thank you.

MONDAY, Jul 8, 2024 12:40pm
From: Gordon - Portland OR --- USA
Prayer Request: Prayer for the great awakening nowgospel of Christ wworkers for portlandcoeur dalenegsjgdjag. For the spirit of truth on all conviction on john gratefulness on djag perfect child djeg the spirit of reconciliation with God almighty family a wife favor for jg pay off all bills financial independent miracle deliverance into kingdom additionally including maximum anointinglove jgdjgs for transcendental grace to overcome as in rev. 27 to put first the kingdom and all righteousness with acceleration momentum also 1st john 32 to be like Jesus and see Jesus as he is to only live in and speak from the spirittruth. To enter into ministry with miracles and wonders as in 2nd corinth 1212... Jggsdgdh to begin now with regenerationrejuvenation from Jesus with deep heart felt conviction and repentance and a job for je no angerjust joy. Not take offense humility no record of wrongs lowliness of heart meekness brokennesscontriteness as a servant considering others more important. To win resolve all legal disputes.

WEDNESDAY, Jul 3, 2024 09:38am
From: Voy - Peterborough uk
Prayer Request: Please pray for matthews salvation and vindication in a guilty verdict in court which he is absolutely innocent of the charges. Thank you.

SUNDAY, Jun 30, 2024 11:02am
From: D Robbins - Nashville, TN
Prayer Request: Pray with us for our friend Andre who is in the hospital in California, with a serious infection. We're believing the Lord to heal him and raise him up!

TUESDAY, Jun 25, 2024 10:10am
From: Rob - Atco
Prayer Request: Pray for my brotherJonathanas he gotten involved involved in the occult and is now under serious demonic bandage and oppression. May the Lord set this captive free and save his soul. Amen.

MONDAY, Jun 24, 2024 07:46pm
From: Dave - Ohio
Prayer Request: Please pray for older brother wife and children close to death stage 4 lung cancer stroke relief of pain may he be saved and may his family extended family and loved ones experience the comfort of the Lord.

MONDAY, Jun 17, 2024 04:55pm
From: Jb - USA
Prayer Request: Please pray for my brother Marco. He is struggling with severe depression and many other health problems. And he has walked away from Jesus. Thank you.

SATURDAY, Jun 15, 2024 10:20pm
From: Jessica - USA
Prayer Request: My Aunt K. Has been diagnosed with a blood cancer. She has been prescribed a chemopill and is now anemic and has obstructed bowels which has been going for at least two weeks. Please pray for the Mighty hand of God to touch her whole body and heal her in Jesus Name Thank you.

TUESDAY, Jun 4, 2024 07:23pm
From: pamela - phoenix az
Prayer Request: Prayer for our nephew went to work under the influence of alcohol caused a disruption at work was asked to leave the premises. As of today sits at home awaiting the disciplinary action that will be taken against him. He finally had come to the realization that his life was on the right track he had purchased a vehicle got an apartment had a good job now he stands to losing everything. Oh heavenly Father have Mercy and Grace on our Nephew. Let it be your will. Praying for my sister.

SUNDAY, Jun 2, 2024 07:04am
From: Paul - usa
Prayer Request: Train up a child in the way he should go Even when he grows older he will not abandon it. Proverbs 226 Lord thank You for this principle Lift up my daughter to You and her latest idea to train to be a correction officer. Please grant that she learn early if this is not the job for her. You weaved her together You know her so well please open her eyes if this is a job were she will be physically and emotionally harmed. If this is not the work for her help her find what her purpose is in the work world And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus Philippians 419. In Jesus Name Amen.

FRIDAY, May 31, 2024 10:05am
From: Andre - Pittsburg
Prayer Request: Please pray for my friend Pablo he is ill and at the hospital now.

TUESDAY, May 21, 2024 11:22am
From: Mike - Bismarck
Prayer Request: Please pray for the influence of the holy spirit on my songs life.

FRIDAY, May 17, 2024 03:30am
From: Ian - Australlia
Prayer Request: Please pray that God will break my brother Neill and awaken his dead conscience and bring him under such strong conviction of sin that he is unable to sleep until he surrenders to God and repent of his many serious sins.

THURSDAY, May 16, 2024 10:05pm
From: Tan - Lomkraw 27 Ladkrabang
Prayer Request: Dear Lord please heal my brain quadruple. Lord please make my mother stop forcing psychiatric medicine on me. Lord I really need forgiveness from my mother him and her them and my nemeses. Lord Jesus please take my death on the cross for me. I really need easy death Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.

TUESDAY, May 14, 2024 07:10pm
Prayer Request: Please pray salvation for andrea. She sent me satanic symbols in a text after I texted her about Jesus. Thank you.

MONDAY, May 13, 2024 05:24pm
Prayer Request: Please pray that the final walk through will be successful for the upcoming closing of my house. Amen.

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2024 08:20pm
Prayer Request: Please pray for my friend Wendy who is receiving treatment chemo for cancer of her brain. Thank you for your continued prayer support.

MONDAY, May 6, 2024 01:31pm
Prayer Request: Healing for Justin G in New York who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has spread to his liver. Prognosis is two to eighteen months to live.

THURSDAY, May 2, 2024 01:37pm
From: N - FL
Prayer Request: Please pray for D that his change of jobs and companies will be smooth and that his clients will follow him. Please pray for his faith strength and success.

WEDNESDAY, Apr 24, 2024 06:08pm
Prayer Request: For immediate successful outcome to my legal matters and to have the disclosures and justice in all areas sort. To speedy move home and recover my business life and for successful IVF treatment.

MONDAY, Apr 22, 2024 09:28am
Prayer Request: Please pray for a miracle for Reena to be found safe sound to return home safely today. Pray for the Lord to break all bondages strongholds for her to be totally whole in every area now.

SUNDAY, Apr 21, 2024 10:09am
Prayer Request: Dissmissing my anxiety and retur to normal joy of my walk.

FRIDAY, Apr 12, 2024 06:50pm
Prayer Request: Hello I am praying earnestly for God to give me a wife. I have the need for someone in my life.. I am interested in a lady but due to the world we live in today. Do not want to be accused of harrassment etc. However I have some unusual occurrences happen after prayer about it. Including running into her leaving a store that I was going in. Right after I was praying. Her name is deanna. Anyway pray God gives me direct revelation if she is the one and somehow makes it work out. Prays she shows real interest and some friends or someone connect us. Pray for me as I am not good in social interaction. But desire to have a wife and family with all my heart. Pray deanna sees me different and we grow closer somehow... Pray God gives me a spouse soon.. Thank u this is my one heart desire... Pray God grants me this and prospers me...... If she is the one.... Somehow connects us... Pray for me to get married thank u... Soon.. Please pray for the devil and his lies to stop invading my mind. Pray I can hear God obtain revelation and have peace in my life... Thank u...

FRIDAY, Apr 12, 2024 02:03pm
Prayer Request: Please pray that God will provide the money we need as a family to buy a car that a friend has offered to sell to us on a discount basis. Pastors Nicholas Edith Kenya.

SUNDAY, Apr 7, 2024 04:32am
Prayer Request: Am KIRUNGI RONALD kindly requesting you to stand with me in my prayers this month I want to start a business but am jobless and no money seen and I want to be financially blessed in all areas of my life for wealth prosperity and abundance to serve God and bless those in need by Gods will I will be glad to include me in your prayers.

SATURDAY, Apr 6, 2024 01:28pm
Prayer Request: Please help me regain sexual functions and recover from any injuries Im begging you.

FRIDAY, Apr 5, 2024 09:14pm
Prayer Request: Pray for my wife XuelI to have speedy recovery from her autoimmune disease which has been plaguing her for almost a year despite the treatment. Pray for wisdom on what the next steps should be and for her to place her trust in Gods plan.

WEDNESDAY, Apr 3, 2024 09:32pm
Prayer Request: Dear Lord we ask for your mercy and that you send us a miracle so that our sister Julia may be immediately healed of her health and so she may once again be with her baby Benny and her mom yesmin and all her other friends and family. In Jesus name please heal her immediately as we all join in prayer for Julia every evening at 8pm. We ask everyone around the world to please join in for Julia. Amen.

TUESDAY, Mar 26, 2024 10:32pm
Prayer Request: Pls pray for my 40yo dau Aime. She needs to go to rehab to detox off of pain medication. However she needs 1 mo finances for rentelectricitycar payment and other misc provisions.

MONDAY, Mar 25, 2024 04:14am
Prayer Request: Please pray for me for deliverance and physical healing and financial assistance we urgently Need a place to live.

FRIDAY, Mar 22, 2024 06:44am
From: MARY - GC
Prayer Request: Things are not working out for me in this centre. Pray that I get to transfer to another department. A change in role to do something that matches my skills. Amen.

TUESDAY, Mar 12, 2024 04:54pm
Prayer Request: Please pray for my son Balint Sandor to be healthy. He has nausea for days now and had a small epilepsy. Please pray for him that his brain to be normal and healthy in every way and for the symptoms to go away so he can go back to school. Thank you.

TUESDAY, Mar 5, 2024 07:09pm
Prayer Request: Pls pray for my friends husband Jack he has heart problems and is in the hospital amen.

MONDAY, Mar 4, 2024 03:23am
From: FM - S
Prayer Request: I have developed rashes around my nostrils area and its quite itchy at times. Please pray that it gets healed completely and redness gone for good. Amen.

WEDNESDAY, Feb 28, 2024 06:26pm
Prayer Request: I have severe pain in my belly on the left upper side. Let us break every curse behind it and rebuke the devil standing united in prayer sickness we rebuke you in the Name of Jesus illness we command you out in the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray. Thank you Father for you have listened to our prayer amen.

MONDAY, Feb 26, 2024 09:57pm
From: MARY - NY
Prayer Request: Pls. Pray for my medical tests to come out good tomorrow and March 4th. Also pls. Pray for many loved ones also desperate for healing too. TY and God bless Mary.

FRIDAY, Feb 23, 2024 06:46pm
Prayer Request: Cain Ayame and Wesley Fleming have been experiencing nightmares at night. Their parents Kaitlyn and LevI are new Christians. Please pray for this family.

FRIDAY, Feb 23, 2024 04:48am
Prayer Request: Please pray for Makayla H. And her unborn baby girl. She was diagnosed with Intrahepatic cholestasis. Please pray that the baby will not be stillborn and for good health for the Mother Thank you and God Bless.

THURSDAY, Feb 22, 2024 08:53am
Prayer Request: The Lord says in Thessalonians 33But the Lord is faithful He will strengthen you protect you from the evil one. Please be in agreement w me that he will protect my beloved Gene from all evil influences at his workplace that is filled with constant strife retaliation hostility gossip jealousy perversion.

WEDNESDAY, Feb 21, 2024 05:53pm
Prayer Request: I am not self righteous but for a year I have done all what the Lord had placed me to do but I see no fruit nothing to harvest I have been struggling daily I probably dont deserve it but I need mercy I want to harvest good fruit. God knows but I see nothing ahead of me. I wish he took me home instead.

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